Thursday, June 11, 2009

All About a One-Year Old

I am way behind getting this post up. I meant to do it right after Jax turned one, but with vacations, business and a husband in China, well, it didn't happen. Better late than never, right?

So, my little man is one. This isn't going to make any sense, but I'll say it anyway. When I think about him being one, it seems like the year has just flown by. It feels like he was just in my belly, hanging from my ribs and hiccupping almost daily for hours on end. It seems like we just brought him home to an excited big sister and a house full of boxes (preparing for our move to Utah). But, on the other hand, when I think of all that has happened in this past year, it seems like such a long time. We've moved, Andy went back to school, we've visited Arizona twice, Ava went from toddler to little girl, and Jax, well, Jax grew and grew and grew and grew.

It's hard to believe that a year ago, he was just about nine pounds. Now, he's 24! He's grown 10 inches since birth and gone from a quiet, calm Zoolander face-making little baby to a jabbering, silly, all-boy little boy!

At one, Jax is finally walking. But even pre-biped, he's always been very physical and busy (read: SOOOO WIGGLY) -- he loves to throw balls, climb up or onto anything and bang... toys, his hands, sticks, doors, you name it.

He's quite the little talker, and always very emphatic, whether it be jibber-jabbering or asking for an apple. Right now, Jax's vocabulary consists of over 20 words: Mama, Daddy, Ava, Bubba (his nickname), more, ball, car, bath, baby, dog, bird, turtle, uh-oh, apple, nana (banana), all done, prayer, duck, quack, baa (sheep), wa-wa (water), please and thank you.

Jax is definitely a content little guy. Even with seven ear infections under his belt, he's almost always pleasant and joyful. While he's pretty easy to please, he definitely has his favorite. And for the most part, Jax love, love, loves all things that little boys should love:


Our little Shaq tore apart his basketball hoop while playing one morning

He did this to himself... seriously!




PLAYING DRESS-UP WITH HIS SISTER. Okay, actually his big sister likes this, but Jax just plays along because he loves to make Ava laugh.

And more than anything, he just LOOOOVES his big sister!

Tired kiddos after a long day at Temple Square

Our little mancub brings us immense joy each and every day! He has a smile that lights up his whole face and then radiates to fill an entire room. He's so silly, so cuddly and so wonderfully sweet! He'll often come charging at me (crawling or walking), laughing or growling the entire way. When he gets close enough, he'll throw his little body at me and attack with kisses or raspberries before snuggling up to me and humming. I hope he does that forever... okay, maybe without the growling or raspberries... but the snuggles are always welcome!
I love to watch you grow and explore... I can't wait to see what this year will bring!

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