Saturday, December 5, 2009

Countdown to Arizona

Ava was extra bored this morning. You can only play princesses so many times before you need to move on. Despite all my suggestions for other types of play, she just wasn't having it. It's been one of those mornings. So, I came up with the ingenious idea (okay, I didn't, my friend Jess did) to make a Countdown to Arizona chain. Jessica does it every year with her boys in anticipation for their Christmas trip to California. So, I thought, "let's give it a try." I have A LOT of Christmas scrapbook paper left over from some of the products up in my shop, so Ava got to sort through and choose which she wanted in her chain. It's so funny the way a child's mind works. Had I been in charge of the paper-picking-out, I would have ensured each chain link complimented the others. Ava, on the other hand, cared only if they had sparkles, pink or an identifiable Christmas symbol on them (trees, Santa, etc.).

We cut, assembled and VOILA! our Countdown to Arizona chain.

I can't believe it's just 14 days until we leave! We're so excited to spend the holidays with our families this year because next year we'll be celebrating a Very Merry Mississippi Christmas!

(she wanted to type her name)

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