Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Major Milestone for a Big Girl!

Ava is a learner. She get so excited about new information. When we read she often stops me to ask the meaning of a word, if there's something she wants to learn about she asks if we can get a book from the library or look up the information on the internet (this week, she's all about volcanoes). She is so inquisitive, so wide-eyed. I admire that immensely about her.

At her birthday party, she received a card from her friend Dylan, who is four months older than her. In it, Dylan had signed his name. When Ava saw this, she immediately decided that she too wanted to learn to write her name. So, at her request, we went to work on writing A-V-A. I have this little Pre-K to Kindergarten workbook that I often copy the pages out of and we do the activities together. Near the end of it are letter tracing activities and elementary-style writing lines. I made several copies of the A and V pages and began helping Ava. It didn't take long for her to get the hang of it,

but like both her mother and father, she became terribly frustrated if the letters weren't what she considered "perfect." I always encourage her and tell her how great it is that she wants to learn and that she's trying so hard and that we all need to practice to get better at something. The pep talk usually holds her over for a few minutes until something else isn't exact. At that point, we usually take a break for a little bit before trying again... and let her tear-covered paper dry out.

So, after several great successes (in my eyes) Ava finally wrote her name to her liking and allowed me to take a picture of it to share!

While I have my three-year-old's permission to share, I also wanted to post some of her latest artwork! Her drawing and coloring lately is getting much more precise. When she colors, it's not just scribbles, she actually uses specific colors for specific areas of a picture (although, she still strays a little from inside the lines). Even more fun -- she's started drawing pictures! Here are the self-portraits she created today. The first is her smiling. The second is her "squatting at the duck pond," she says. I think they're the most amazing pieces of art I've ever seen!

And lastly, I wanted to post this video of her saying all the prophets. She's known them all since a little after she turned two, but I decided to finally take video of it. I want her, when she's older, to know what a talented, intelligent little girl she was. Like there would ever be any doubt! ;)

(Sorry it's sideways)

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