Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Nesting Equivalent

I'm in nesting mode. No, I'm not pregnant. No, I'm not wanting to get pregnant anytime soon. But we're moving. Soon. Very soon. Like, in two months soon. The thought of taking all our stuff to a new place makes me crazy. Being married to Andy has made me quite a bit more organized, being friends with my great friend Joni has made me a purger. I love to get rid of things. I love to reorganize. Those are great loves to have when you're preparing to move several states away!

The first order of business: Ava's room. Ava has a cute room. Not to toot my own horn, but we've done some pretty adorable things in her little nook. But, the one eye sore in her room has been THIS:

We got it when she was a baby to organize her toys. Back then, her toy collection was substantially smaller. Now, well, she could open her own toy store and stay in business for at least a year. It's insane how many toys this kid has. This little storage unit, thingy-ma-bob was nice back then. I've made attempts to keep it organized. I labeled each bin: puzzles, princesses, animals, music, etc. Yet somehow each bin amasses a mish-mash of toys, crayons and who knows what else. So, I had to find a solution. I started by making drawstring bags for her toys. She picked out the fabric and decided what would go in each: princesses, dress-up, games, music, animals, characters, etc. The good news? In the process, we got rid of ALOT of toys. I love to purge! But, the big storage thingy was still annoying me. Then, I came across this little gem while perusing good ol' DI one day.

Ugly, I know. But it was $4 and I had visions of grandeur. With a little fabric, mod podge, vinyl and ribbon it became this:

I still need to add a few embellishments and Andy is building a little cushion seat lid to put on top, which I'll upholster with coordinating fabric.

While I'm posting, I also made this fun little dress for Ava. I need to take it in a little, it's a tad wider than I would have liked, but she LOOOOOVES it!

So, this is how I prepare for our move. I craft. I organize and reorganize. I purge. Next on my list? An Easter tie and a summer hat for the little dude and drawstring bags for his toys. Our movers are going to LOVE packing my kids' rooms!

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